Notes on a Murder

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Re: Notes on a Murder

Post by PureQuestion »

Go downstairs and see if Forensics has anything interesting.
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Re: Notes on a Murder

Post by ShadowSpectre »

You leave the door open behind you and step into the fairly dingy hallway, moving to the elevator, ignoring the wilting, yet angular leaves from a plant pot nearby. You press the button to call it up, looking around. It’s a ridiculously dark corridor; you’re pretty sure it’s nothing short of terrifying once the sun’s set. There are a few lights in the ceiling, but they’re likely broken. The car arrives, and you enter, pressing the button to send yourself to the ground floor, waiting as the elevator hums. A short while later, there is a ping, and the doors open into a bright, clean hallway with polished floors and potted plants. You step out onto ground level, and feel your lungs physically relax into the cool, sweet air. You couldn’t tell it was so oppressive an atmosphere upstairs since you’d been there for so long, but now, you are somewhat relieved.

There are only two officers in the hotel itself, the rest have cleared out already. They appear too busy flirting with the two reception staff to do anything more than confidently nod a greeting to you, and you leave them to it, exiting into the street.

It’s immediately obvious where everything is in this vicinity; the roads in the local area have been closed off. Luckily (or not, as the city welfare activists would attest) most of the houses in this area were derelict and underdeveloped in comparison with the rest of the city, so there were only a handful of people whose cars needed to be moved.

There is a white tent with two squad cars and a mobile command post stationed next to it, the forensics tent. It’s situated pretty much where the body was found; you note that it’s quite some distance away, almost as if the victim was catapulted from the top floor. In addition to this, you note something yet more disturbing; it appears to have entirely blocked off the side street.

You walk over, and note that there are very few officers left on the scene. Presumably, most were taking care of the diversions around the perimeter, but it’s still quiet.

You duck under the loose, flapping opening for the tent and look around. It definitely spans the street; you can see the walls of the two buildings adjacent, and there are white paint marks everywhere, circling patches of what appears to be blood. There are three people in white coveralls in the tent, two examining some of the circled areas and one stood overlooking with a clipboard. He seems to be the commanding officer here. Another man sits at a fold-away desk in the corner; he seems to be using a calculator and writing something out by hand, despite the laptop in front of him being turned on, with what seems to be a picture of the sky on the screen.
Out for lunch. Return uncertain.

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Re: Notes on a Murder

Post by PureQuestion »

Now actually ask if they've found anything interesting.

1. Talk to the commanding officer.
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Re: Notes on a Murder

Post by ShadowSpectre »

“Ah, Detective,” the man with the clipboard says as you approach him, extending his hand, “I’m Bassett, Bassett Summers, MD.”
“Mike Duke, pleasure, doctor,” you say, taking his proffered hand. He’s wearing a white hazmat suit, hood down, showing his soft-looking brown hair and curious green eyes, a blue ballpoint tucked behind his right ear. His eyebrows are scarily prominent, almost cartoon-like in their bold profile.
“Bass’ll do, I don’t like my title,” the rather modest doctor says, shaking your hand firmly, smiling. “Makes me sound cleverer than I am.”
“Well, I’ve got no doubt you are with an MD,” you respond, releasing his hand and studying the scene. “What’s the medical opinion?”
“Death by splat,” Bass says, his smile turning to a grimace. “We’ve got bits of the victim all over the street, I spotted a blood splatter a block down from here.”
“Is that the cause of death?” you ask, wincing at the unquestionably lethal idea of falling from that height.
“That’s what the initial scan looks like, but we have what’s left of the torso in cold storage,” Bass says, a thumb over his shoulder towards the opening in the opposite side of the tent, where a white van is just visible. “We’ll be sending the results to your unit soon enough.”
“I understand the Commissioner’s given me full rein over the situation, so I assume they’ll be automatically forwarded to my office?”
“That’s right, the college shooting’s taking priority at the moment,” Bass says, checking a different sheet under the topmost one on his clipboard. “That means you’re effectively the entire unit. Lot of work.”
“Tell me about it,” you mutter. The paperwork aspect would be a nightmare.
“Well, I’ll write up proper reports for you,” Bass says, bowing his head slightly. “I know what it’s like with eight thousand reports in the in pile.”
“Cheers, I owe you a pint,” you say gratefully, changing your stance. “Well, anything else I should know?”
“Nothing right now, I’ll get your pager number from the documents,” Bass says, taking the pen from behind his ear and beginning to write again.
Out for lunch. Return uncertain.

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Re: Notes on a Murder

Post by [][][][] »

2. Talk to the guy sitting at a fold-away desk in the corner.
There was once something here,
but it's now gone.

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