The SHMUp World for Cutezomes.

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Elite Fraxian
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The SHMUp World for Cutezomes.

Post by dracmeister »

Contains stories I made that are SHMUp-related in my Cutezome story-based games.

Maxius Force
Is the first SHMUp-related literature with the Cutezome-based Story. Although at first, I didn't intentionally make it for Cutezomes.

It revolves around this unnamed pilot that who has been tasked to deal with Aliens that threatens him and his own kind. He is an excellent pilot, though better yet his training was kept a secret by the Military....

I never mentioned which side he's on. That led to a lot of confusion as to why his Ship is now common for all Cutezome Militaries. Even more, I featured the unnamed pilot in my Early Comic, Team Xk!, as the main concern on that episode.

He was in the middle of a mission when suddenly a smart Mechanized Drone took a pot shot and hit his engine, the engine began to malfunction and he soon lost control of his ship. Smashing through the inner walls of the enemy craft then out of the enemy craft.
His life was flashing before his eyes as his ship was pulled down with Planet Cutezome's Earth-like gravity. His ship plummets down like a rocket heading downwards. Luckily an old tree broke the fall of the ship. He ejects out of his ship looking up to his ship, he sees a total ruin.

"Can I be alive? Or am I already dead?"

He walks around on what seemingly is an intentionally planted forest. He triggers a high tech animal trap. And is caught on the nearest tree unable to move about. Some casually-dressed Humanoid creatures, the Cutezomes.

Boy[1]: "I don't know if your trap would work on keeping pesky varmints out from our newly planted trees."

*see the pilot at the trap*

Boy[1]: "I stand corrected."
Boy[2]: "Yes! I knew it'd work!"
Girl[1]: "Wow! What is it?"
Girl[2]: "Huh. He seems to be one of our kind."
Pilot: "You wouldn't hurt me would you?"
Girl[2]: "Of course, we wouldn't. Unless you're a varmint who threatens to destroy our trees..."
Pilot: "I wont."
Boy[2]: "You promise?"
Pilot: "My ship is kinda stuck up there on that tree... And its all wrecked up now..."
Boy[1]: "Fine. Let him go guys..."

*they transport him and his ship to a repair center*

Boy[1]: "This would take some time to fix."
Girl[1]: "On the meantime, you could walk around town."
Girl[2]: "Do a little sight-seeing."
Boy[2]: "Chill. And let us handle this."

Then he explores town. Then notices a place where logic is just defied. He sees a bunch of facilities and a Boarding Houses that are placed opposite with each other. He goes to a House labelled "Villains".

He rings the door bell and a guy answered...

Col. Radii: "I may not be the smartest guy around but I feel like you're not like us..."
Pilot: "How do you know that. Anyway, I need to ask more about the people here."
Col. Radii: "We know stuff... Come in, if you want to more about us, I'll call the others."

Then the episode goes on in an interview-like format with with other TeamXk Charas. Soon after, the group of people who volunteered to fix his Ship are looking for him.

Boy[1]: "There you are. Our ship is fixed."

The Pilot just abruptly stops the interview-like scene and rushes to see his ship.

Pilot: "I'm sorry this has to end so suddenly."

At the repair center they explain what modifications they did for the ship. And it looks like its all new. The Pilot says he's thanks and jets out of the facility.

Jetting away from the planet, he forgot to get one answer from Team Xk!: "What makes a Cutezome a Cutezome?" He steered his ship to look back, but the planet wasn't there. As if, it was all in his imagination.

Pilot: "Maybe someday. I'll meet you again, Cutezomes."

Now this episode becomes weird because by the time the 'Death Label' Ship's history is Explained, it would've turned out the Pilot was Cutezome himself. Because of the statement: "Sunny Shinedrop decided to take the Job since the Original Pilot with first production number of Red Lightning is lost in space."

Oh well...

Cwazy Fantasy Shootew

Ah. This series. The First Game was made with rage, I mean seriously, I was angry then I made the game. It turned out to be good and bad, good for its Difficulty and the way it was fun. And the first game where I introduced the Loop System. Bad for the Lack of attention to graphics and how some stages are unfair or cheap.

First Game was about an Alien Force threatening to attack your planet. You had to stop them before their mothership reaches your planet to unleash its full fury.

The Second Game was a bit darker, due to the fact some names are introduced now, Like the Norielcam General, Bralasa(Burarasa), and the new remodeled Blue Savior, and well The "Midnight Moon" Mission(EXStage or Stage 8 if you may).
This game had Multiple Endings. Which was always fun to do. But I had to Cut-off Easy Mode players after Stage 5 with a "To be Continued..." screen. You have to play on HARD to get the TLB, and Loop 2. Loop 2, if you continue playing, gives access to the EXStage, which has the TTLB.

The Third game(currently in the works), has an even darker tone. This time its not the usual Alien Force attacks planet scenario, but rather, it's a mysterious enemy force within the depths of the Cutezome Army. So you have to traverse various locations in Planet Cutezome to silence the threat.

Death Label

A Spin-off of Cwazy Fantasy Shootew, basically planet Earth has turned into a Mechanical Wasteland and wanted to take Planet Cutezome for it is deemed to be suitable for Earthling Humans. And they want to use force to take it for themselves. Along with a former Earth General, that owes his life to the Cutezomes, and with Mistress General Kawaii Kichona Shofu they make a strike-force to counter these efforts and have a small attempt in Regenerating Earth's Biological Value.

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[Bosses to remember:]
Team HouHouJigoku! mostly discontinued
'Gusty Storm' Armored Train
'Twin Sisters' Railgun Core
Archie and Tommy - Lightseeker Duo

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