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RTD - Mystery Dungeon Update 2/100: RTD: The RPG!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:24 am
by Dicearm
R O L L _ T H E _ D I C E

Hello, and welcome! Welcome to RTD: Mystery Dungeon! You, the adventurer, must delve into the depths of The Dungeon That Is Never The Same, in the Realm of Uncreative Names! There, you will find Action! Adventure! Treasure! Fresh Fruit! Power beyond your wildest dreams! HOWEVER! You are not the only one out to make a name for yourself. Do you ally yourself with other adventurers? Slay them to keep the treasure to yourself? Or do you do both? It's all entirely up to you! So what are you waiting for? Your quest awaits!
Now, for those of you who have never played an RTD, let me elaborate: In this game, you can do anything. Yes, you heard me. Anything. Want to swing a sword? Cast magic? Ascend to become a god? Send the universe into oblivion? You can do that! If you can imagine a command, it is acceptable! HOWEVER! Success of all commands, no matter how simple or complex, is determined by the roll of a dice. Generally, 1d6 is rolled, though depending on the circumstances, this can be changed, and roll modifiers can be applied.

If you roll a ...
  • 1 or lower: Epic Failure with disasterous consequences.
  • 2: Failure. Things didn't go as planned.
  • 3: Partial Success. Technically you succeeded, though you could have done a better job.
  • 4: Success! You did exactly what you were trying too, if capable.
  • 5: Epic Success! You not only succeeded, but you did a much better job than intended!
  • 6 or higher: Overshoot. You tried a bit too hard, and while succeeding, negative consequences come as well.
Exceptions may apply in very specific circumstances (re: Almost never)

As a note, you have unlimited lives. However, when you die, you lose ALL your wealth, and if another player kills you, then they obtain it.

Now, how does one join, you might ask? Simple - Just post a command and your in! The game begins as soon as I have 4 commands. Feel free to roleplay a bit if you wish, though doing so is optional. However, you MUST bold your commands or they will not be taken! Lastly, please include the following stats in every post you make in this game.
Updates will be conducted once everyone from the previous round has updated, or once every 3-5 days, depending on how slow people are.

Lastly, this game's winner will be determined by who has the most wealth at the end of the game, whenever that is.

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:27 am
by Halico
Examine surroundings.

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:49 am
by Infinity's End
An echo within Oblivion.

The End has arrived.


Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:59 am
by Scionox
Needs more experiments

Make some experiments on denizens of this place and turn them into my minions!

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:22 am
by White Glint
[Don't count the holder on her back.]
Observe my Surroundings.

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:01 pm
by [][][][]

Finish transition. Attempt to increase actions per turn.

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:54 pm
by Spriterkid
"How did I GET here?"
>Attempt to increase magic power (Success: +1 to all magic rolls)

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:43 pm
by Dicearm
Dualer - 4 wrote:Examine surroundings.
You examine your surrounding - You and a bunch of other people are inside a dimly lit stone room, with lots of doors going pretty much every which way you can expect. You also find some gold on the ground under your feet, lucky you!

+50 Wealth!
Hyphen - 3 wrote:GOTTA GO FAST (attempt to make it so my action is always performed first regardless of when I update)
GOTTA GO FAST. You run a few laps around the room, making 'Zoom!' noises for extra speed. You feel faster, though really aren't.

Status effect - Imaginary Speed Lv 1!
Infinity's End - 1 wrote:Manifest.
You attempt to manifest into the dungeon. And succeed! ...As a bananna. In a room full of monkeys. You get eatten and die.

You are suddenly alive again as a normal human, somewhere deep in the dungeon, and feeling rather weak due to the experience.

Status Effect: Frail - Take extra damage, -1 to all rolls 5 and below. ???/??? turns remaining.

Spider - N/A wrote:Make some experiments on denizens of this place and turn them into my minions!
There are no denziens of this place in the same room as you, you cannot conduct experiemnts on them yet.
Phoenix MK.II - 5 wrote:Observe my Surroundings.
You observe your surrounding - Your in a dimly lit stone room with a bunch of other people, with lots of doors going pretty much every which way you can expect. However, under your feet, you notice a small cache, hidden among the floor tiles. Inside you find an Iron Dagger!
Item get: Iron Dagger - Deal 1 damage to target, +125 wealth
[][][][] - 3 wrote:Finish transition. Attempt to increase actions per turn.
You increase the number of actions per turn successfully! ...For everyone. So, for simplicity's sake, we'll only deal with one action at a time since everyone has the same number of actions per turn still.
Spriterkid - 1 wrote:Attempt to increase magic power (Success: +1 to all magic rolls)
You concentrate, trying to increase your magical prowess. Nothing happens. If anything, you hurt your brain in trying to do so.

-2 Health
Dungeon - 1 wrote:The dungeon shakes violently, dislodging chunks from the ceiling. Fortunately for the adventurers, these falling rocks miss everyone by a few inches, as well as seem to be solid gold.

Everyone: +100 Wealth
Notes wrote: In case you haven't notice, the dungeon itself gets a roll for hazards to all the players. As demonstrated, bad rolls for the dungeon are good for the players. Also, items have wealth additionally, though said wealth is lost if the item is lost. Be sore to keep track of how much each item is worth, as wealth may have other uses later.

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:02 pm
by Infinity's End
A trivial issue. It appears I was not careful enough when entering this reality.

No matter. This vessel is superior to my previous.

Restore self to height of power.

Re: RTD - Mystery Dungeon

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:42 pm
by Halico
Stablize.(no negative effects when rolling 6+)