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The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:28 pm
by ZarroTsu

What is it?

The Last Gate is a clunky old MORPG based off the free software package for Astonia V2. It is a pretty complex game, all things considered, as every single point of experience can be spent to make your character as unique as possible, barring the little bit of a learning hump new people need to slog through confusingly.

Beyond this hump is a surprisingly addictive and cooperative game, the problem being that in the past I've lacked the motivation or players to really keep adding things beyond a few. Unlike other V2 servers, I took the route of overhauling the game and remaking everything from scratch, for better or for worse, so getting veteran players on the server is a difficult task since a majority of the old-world's players were whiny clepto 12 year olds.

How do I play?

There is a Manual included in a folder of the same name, and it, along with a(n outdated) reference image will explain the function of the game, as well as some tips to play by. The game will also introduce you when you create your first character, and give you the name of a nearby NPC to speak with to get you started.

What does it look like?

Oh Jegus you made my eyes throw up a little.

This is another problem in acquiring players in that the interface is very much glued to the screen at all times. That said, I recently fixed the view window a bit and rearranged things to make the game's presentation a little more tolerable for the new player hump, seen here:

Alright, I'll play your silly game. What's in it for me?

The interface (Which is a single graphic, so you can customize it yourself if you really want!) is only one thing of a few upcoming graphical changes. Due to the visual style in the view window, many item graphics try to reflect this style, which heavily hinders my ability to add new weapons and the like, since I have to bend over backwards to try to match the game's graphical style, which is rather bad to begin with. And to answer your next question, replacing a good 60,000 sprites? Not fun, and not easily or entirely feasible. Sorry!

But tell you what -- since I will get around to developing new graphics for existing items, I'll cut you a deal. If after learning about the game you want to create and propose any weapons, armor, or accessory ideas, I'll take full consideration for them. You can even present your own sprites for them, and I'll see what I can do to add it to the game. Note that, however, any super overpowered ideas may not see the light of day until I get to a much later point in development! But maybe I'll give you one as a bonus for creating it. If you're able to wield it.

So without further adieu, you can downloading the game here:

And the D3D Windower (so you can run the game in windowed mode) here:

Have fun, and mayest thou pass the last gate!

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:14 am
by Garoslaw
Good 'ol retro style MMO's always cheered my eye a bit.

Although I lost my hand to them...

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:02 pm
by ZarroTsu
Changing up the interface again...
How much better is that? (No minimap unfortunately)

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:39 pm
by ZarroTsu
Hyphen wrote:I don't like the magenta square in the middle of the screen.
You're a twit.

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:52 am
by ZarroTsu

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:15 am
by Garoslaw
oh hey i can actually find myself in that interface now

good work, keep it up

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:40 am
by ZarroTsu
New client version again, this one mandatory due to the way it reads from the server.
Image taken from the manual folder, now that that's updated too.

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:42 pm
by ZarroTsu
Client updated again to fix inventory problems.

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:15 pm
by Halico
remind me to redownload sooner or later today

Re: The Last Gate, again.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:34 pm
by The Doctor
I tried this the first time you posted it. I suppose I'll try it again now.

Couldn't establish connection.