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Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:43 am
by PureQuestion
As the roof neared collapse, the undead slowly stepped backwards, out the hole in the wall. The Sentinel remained frontmost, hailing projectiles at the Demon. It batted away with increasing impatience, looking for a chance to strike. Rocks and supports fell on it from above, but they blended in with the Sentinel's thrown weapons, merely distracting the beast further from the collapsing temple.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:26 pm
by AlexMdle

Chebraghol yelled at the ghost, after finally getting through the last support. The roof was on it's way to flatten the interior.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:42 pm
by PureQuestion
"You seem to have a poor grasp of the fact that I can pass through walls."

Steven left the temple nonetheless. The view of the chaos was better from outside.

The shadow realized, a moment too late, what was happening. With a massive fist it smashed through the stone walls of the temple, but this only accelerated its doom. The temple collapsed, crushing the demon.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:48 pm
by Spriterkid
Ophelia watched the surroundings, checking for any other bandit.
She then looked at the hostages, smile on her face. Not speaking a word, but clearly showing satisfaction from saving the bandits.
She put her knife in her backpack, believing they weren't hostile and that there weren't any other bandits around.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:58 pm
by Dabir
The three minstrels brushed themselves off as they got to their feet, looking around nervously. Two of them went to their instruments and retrieved them. The third one cleared his throat and spoke.

"Hello there!" he called to Csiphe. "We're fine, thank you kindly for asking. I hope you're not hopin' for a reward or something, cause as them robber fellas were findin' out we've got nothin' to our names but a few essentials and our music. Where might you two be headin'?"

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:24 pm
by Spriterkid
"I'd say where we're travelling, but my friend here doesn't want to reveal it, anyways.
And you? Where might you be heading?"

Ophelia awkwardly looked around and blushed. She wasn't very good socially.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:40 pm
by AlexMdle
Chebraghol shook off a few hunks of stone off and stood upright, clutching his left arm - it was in no usable condition. He observed the ruin. looking for any movement.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:09 am
by ShadowSpectre
Behind a stone wall of the newly-formed ruins, there was a rat.

It was not a special rat. Riddled with holes in its fur, flea-bitten and pestilent, the foot-long animal sniffled, out of view of the daemon, peered around this new structure. The temple did not harbour vermin, but the newly broken wall had provided a hole through which the rodent could exit, and so it did, venturing into the new environment around it. Hearing the movements outside, it quickly turned around to return to its hidey-hole and squeaked in alarm at the massive, fleshy canine head that bared its bloodied teeth up at it from its home. The rat scurried away, passing through the sight of Chebraghol as it did so.

The canine... creature seemed to snake out of the hole to stand on four legs, blood dripping from its dog-like form. Its head turned nearly halfway round to stare at the wall, apparently at the out-of-sight daemon. To a normal dog, this could not have been what it was doing, but this was clearly not a normal dog. The head then turned again to look at the collapsed masonry. It remained perfectly still before flickering out of sight.

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:52 pm
by Dabir
"Oh, anywhere, anywhere!" the minstrel said cheerily. "We travel and we sing, and as long as we can find a nice warm barn to sleep in we're happy as Larry!"

The other two had by now retrieved their instruments, and were stood behind the speaker, nodding furiously at every word. Clearly the instrument-free minstrel was the leader.

"Hey now, if you're taking this road down fortward, maybe we can tag along? Play you some music as we travel, eh?"

Re: Zemelian Odyssey

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:38 pm
by Spriterkid
[strike]Man, Hyphen, feck off. Why don't you let me update when I want?[/strike]

"So, you're.... bards of sorts? Like those musicians that are able to cast spells through music?"

Even if they weren't, Ophelia had no reason to object to Csiphe's decision.
She simply grabbed his hand and blushed, like a little girl would. Even though the ministrels probably saw that she wasn't a little girl. She cast spells that someone skilled in magic would be envious of, for crying out loud.

"Alright, you can come along. But don't think I'm a little girl, please. I just.... look and act like one. But I'm not."