World Philosophy Day - A Thought on Humanity's Progress

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World Philosophy Day - A Thought on Humanity's Progress

Post by Spriterkid »

Well, today is World Philosophy Day, and, as a very recent Philosophy student (recieved my first test today, funny enough), I have decided to post a small text on humanity and it's progress.

As you all know, humanity has come a long way. We started out as cavemen, apparently. We discovered bland things, like fire. We gave it an use: cooking, light and fending off wild animals. At that time, it was a simple life. We were nomads who went ways around the world, in search of food.
Then we found out we could plant and raise our own food. That is when sedentarism started.
Years passed, and now we have computers, internet, nuclear fission reactions, and we will have much more in the future.
The question is: Was it worth it?
Do we really have to find out a way to have a bigger life if said life isn't better, since all it will do is make more people starve to death?
Is it worth it to have faster lives, to waste our time in inventing things that might be useful right now (the computer), but will have no use when you need food?
Should we try to contact alien life? Is that truly our purpose?

We may have taken a step forward in a way of making our lives bigger, but we took two steps back in making our life better. There's hunger all over the world, the crisis took over most of Europe (Portugal being in a critical state), WWIII is most likely a step away as oil will disappear (or transform, according to Lavoisier) and it will be America who will likely start it. They are one of the biggest countries economically, and without oil, its empire will fall.

If you choose to do so, express your position on the following question: Was it worth it to advance that much scientifically and technologically?
I'm not expecting to get that many answers. I don't care. I needed to let these thoughts somewhere, and I chose this to be that place.
RIP Ed Balls

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