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[Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:14 pm
by Armored Entity
Something I started on, and I am making as a Side-View boss. I thought I'd do it as for it is one of the few Sonic bosses that can actually be considered a "Danmaku Boss" (other than some 3D bosses such as Solaris and Devil Doom). Plus, its attacks aren't that tough to remake in Fraxy (compared to some other Sonic bosses I've been working on, such as Egg Dragoon), and other stuff. In fact, I got two attacks working now.


So you know, its the "Egg Shooter," the True Last Boss of Sonic Advance 2, from True Area 53 Zone. I bet Rumia will love this one a ton.


Also I got two attacks working, the missiles and the tail laser, though they weren't much. Here's a pic of the Tail Laser.
I also got the gravity bind thing on its nosecone done, though that's not really an attack.

I kind of feel bad that I didn't try making this thing for that old Side View Contest (instead of Ultra Gemerl), but now that I'm creating it now, I suppose that's good. Most of its attacks shoudn't be too hard to create. Also I'm thinking of adding a "Hard Mode" to it as well. I haven't a clue when it will be done, but considering how slow I've been going lately, perhaps not very soon unfortunately. Stay tuned though.

Anything you'd like to say?

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:18 pm
by Aquamancia
I looked up a video on Youtube when you first mentioned it in the shoutbox.
All I can say for now is, it's looking good so far!

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:23 pm
by Armored Entity

Also, I just got two of its energy ball spam attacks done. I also managed to hide a capsule inside of it, for its destruction animation. The actual destruction animation is still underway though.

Now I need to make them fire in similar patterns and such, like the original.

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:35 pm
by Spriterkid
Looking good. Especially that eye... thing.
Keep it up.

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:43 pm
by The Phantom
The "head" looks strange.

Not the cockpit, the giant shadowed circle and the part immediately above it.

It contrasts strangely with the cockpit style.

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:45 pm
by Armored Entity
For reference, its supposed to be a remake of this boss.


Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:15 am
by The Phantom
Obligatory partsgraphics.

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:20 am
by Armored Entity
Oh BTW, I got some more attacks done for it now. I suggest you look them up, for all of these are ones it actually uses in the game too.

Note that in mine, they fire faster and I have some other stuff I am going to have fire with them, as to make them harder. These I just showed the basics so you know how it replicates the original boss.
Also worth mentioning is that the one in the 1st pic I did without rolling panels. Also the one in the 4th pic took me some time to make them fire in that round shape, but I think I got it down. Normally it shoots more than one of that, but its harder to see the shape it makes with that attack. In mine it normally fires multiple ones though.

I now need to make it fire in similar patterns and such, which I am having trouble with.

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:32 pm
by [][][][]
Zaximillian wrote:
The Phantom wrote:Obligatory partsgraphics.
Seconded, and heavily. Out of many bosses, this is perhaps one of the easier ones to create a PG set for.
Thirded. If you're 'this' close to making a perfect replication of the basic structure, why not rip the picture and adjust the sprite so as to create a replication of the skin?

Oh, and you fight it much like regular danmaku, or are you planning on fighting it the same way as it is fought in Sonic Advance 2?
(something to note: this is one of the few bosses which actively eject Rings out of Super Sonic, namely the freeze+vacuum attack.)

And is Egg Dragoon still running?

Re: [Preview] A Sonic Boss that can be considered Danmaku.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:46 pm
by Armored Entity
Yep, Egg Dragoon I'm still working on. However, I cancelled my work on Egg Albatross though.

And No I am not using Partsgraphics. The reason being is that to make the way it is teleported into the field at the beginning, I'm going to have to make it quickly shift from hidden to shadowed a few times, before appearing in full. If I use Partsgraphics, that scene will look rather strange and off, and I don't want that to happen. Besides, my current design for it looks rather true to the original.

And yes, mine still does have the vacuum attack too.

EDIT: Another something I added that I'd like to show you.
This is for the destruction animation (although that I am also still working on). Here, you can see I recreated the capsule that flies out of it after it's defeated, which is supposed to contain Vanilla the Rabbit inside.
For the destruction animation, the Egg Shooter is suppose to fly off spinning, with explosion effectors all over it, and as it does, the capsule ejects out. Then the capsule falls away to the ground, which is when it ends.