The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by AlexMdle »

Flan is a mature, level-headed person.
[4:34:26 PM] Hyphen: why was I banned
[4:34:30 PM] Hyphen: I was posting music
[4:34:35 PM] Hyphen: in a hilarious way
[4:34:42 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flaming.
[4:34:49 PM] Hyphen: meta saw the thread
[4:34:52 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan.
[4:34:52 PM] Hyphen: and had no problem with it
[4:34:56 PM] Hyphen: that and it wasn't flaming
[4:34:59 PM] Alex Lorenz: Yes it was.
[4:35:02 PM] Hyphen: it was a joke for fuck sake
[4:35:11 PM] Garo: ?
[4:35:14 PM] Alex Lorenz: Youre really bad at jokes then.
[4:35:14 PM] Hyphen: it is not flaming
[4:35:18 PM] Alex Lorenz: Yeah.
[4:35:22 PM] Garo: What DID I miss?
[4:35:28 PM] Hyphen: I was seriously posting that music because it's hilarious
[4:35:31 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan posted a thread with video for "Suck a cheetah's dick" or something.
[4:35:34 PM] Alex Lorenz: Directed at Meta.
[4:35:37 PM] Hyphen: I posted the songs Suck a Cheetah's Dick
[4:35:41 PM] Alex Lorenz: Dabir locked/banned Flan.
[4:35:44 PM] Hyphen: and Suck a Caribou's Ass
[4:35:45 PM] Alex Lorenz: I then deleted it.
[4:36:16 PM] Hyphen: you've said worse things to meta yourself
[4:36:20 PM] Alex Lorenz: Oh yes.
[4:36:21 PM] Hyphen: I don't see you getting banned
[4:36:23 PM] Alex Lorenz: Except no.
[4:36:26 PM] Hyphen: except yes
[4:36:51 PM] Alex Lorenz: First. The worst way I have ever insulted Meta directly was in the Sonic X thread.
[4:36:53 PM] Garo: I remember posting a video of rapeman once
[4:36:54 PM] Alex Lorenz: When I said he is stupid.
[4:36:57 PM] Hyphen: ever heard of a thing called SARCASM?
[4:37:05 PM] Hyphen: It's like me directing that thread at you
[4:37:15 PM] Hyphen: I'm clearly being sarcastic
[4:37:18 PM] Hyphen: it is not flaming
[4:37:27 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan, the point is, we yell at Meta when he posts something that offends us to our core.
[4:37:34 PM] Alex Lorenz: Or when he is being completelly stubborn to listen.
[4:37:49 PM] Alex Lorenz: You posted that completelly unprovoked and not directing it at anything.
[4:37:59 PM] Hyphen: so what you're saying is the thread would have been alright if I posted that DIRECTED AT ANYONE ELSE
[4:38:04 PM] Alex Lorenz: Nope.
[4:38:08 PM] Hyphen: you do realize Meta is a troll?
[4:38:12 PM] Alex Lorenz: Would be still a pointless thread.
[4:38:21 PM] Hyphen: pointless threads are not against the rules
[4:38:26 PM] Alex Lorenz: They are.
[4:38:28 PM] Hyphen: you're sucking up to meta
[4:38:30 PM] Alex Lorenz: We have a rule against spamming.
[4:38:34 PM] Alex Lorenz: Nope.
[4:38:38 PM] Hyphen: also
[4:38:42 PM] Garo: [4:38 PM] Alex Lorenz:

<<< We have a rule against spamming.why am i not banned then
[4:38:42 PM] Hyphen: the thread was to show off music
[4:38:46 PM] Hyphen: so it is not pointless
[4:38:50 PM] Alex Lorenz: You spam? @Garo
[4:38:55 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan.
[4:38:56 PM] Hyphen: wesley willis is genuinely a legend
[4:38:58 PM] Garo: [4:38 PM] Alex Lorenz:

<<< You spam? @GaroI did, at one point
[4:39:00 PM] Alex Lorenz: You can argue all you want.
[4:39:06 PM] Hyphen:" onclick=";return false;
[4:39:07 PM] Alex Lorenz: You screwed up.
[4:39:07 PM] Garo: but it was several months ago
[4:39:09 PM] Hyphen: HURR DURR
[4:39:27 PM] Hyphen: ban everyone in cotm because clearly it's against the rules
[4:39:27 PM] Alex Lorenz: Thats a forum game.
[4:39:29 PM] Hyphen: /clearly/
[4:39:30 PM] Hyphen: fuck
[4:39:31 PM] Alex Lorenz: Distasteful, yes.
[4:39:34 PM] Hyphen: ban everyone in forum games
[4:39:38 PM] Alex Lorenz: Why?
[4:39:44 PM] Hyphen: also ban everyone who posts profane words
[4:39:46 PM] Alex Lorenz: Wheres the logic behind that.
[4:39:48 PM] Hyphen: because that's flaming
[4:39:51 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan.
[4:39:54 PM] Hyphen: and anyone who posts music with obscene lyrics
[4:39:56 PM] Alex Lorenz: Stop being immature.
[4:39:59 PM] Hyphen: no
[4:40:00 PM] Alex Lorenz: You know what you did.
[4:40:02 PM] Hyphen: you're being immature
[4:40:08 PM] Hyphen: you have no argument
[4:40:13 PM] Garo: I'm... confused.
[4:40:15 PM] Hyphen: you're just saying
[4:40:18 PM] Hyphen: "Yeah but HERPDERP FLAMING"
[4:40:25 PM] Hyphen: just because it's me
[4:40:29 PM] Hyphen: you're biased
[4:40:30 PM] Alex Lorenz: You know that youre being like Meta atm?
[4:40:47 PM] Alex Lorenz: Just more articulate.
[4:41:03 PM] Alex Lorenz: Lemme recap.
[4:41:14 PM] Hyphen: if I was being like Meta I would have an entire forum flaming me
[4:41:27 PM] Alex Lorenz: You posted a thread, with no other intention than to flame Meta. Naming it as such.
[4:41:41 PM] Alex Lorenz: A completelly pointless thread.
[4:41:50 PM] Hyphen: No
[4:41:53 PM] Alex Lorenz: As it invited no serious discussion or was any sort of game.
[4:42:06 PM] Alex Lorenz: You literally posted it for the sake of flaming.
[4:42:15 PM] Hyphen: I was posting it as a parody of meta's thread with good music
[4:42:30 PM] Alex Lorenz: Ok, so what did you name that thread?
[4:42:33 PM] Alex Lorenz: Tell me.
[4:42:36 PM] Garo:" onclick=";return false;
[4:42:36 PM] Alex Lorenz: I wanna hear it from you.
[4:42:38 PM] Garo: That?
[4:42:49 PM] Hyphen: "I now have more reason to like the Internet"
[4:43:04 PM] Hyphen: hence PARODY
[4:43:18 PM] Alex Lorenz: Did not catch it as such.
[4:43:21 PM] Hyphen: (if you couldn't tell I'm emphasizing key words because you're foreign)
[4:43:26 PM] Alex Lorenz: Sigh.
[4:43:26 PM] Hyphen: that is what I called it.
[4:43:32 PM] Alex Lorenz: Still.
[4:43:40 PM] Alex Lorenz: The thread was there specifically to flame.
[4:43:41 PM] Hyphen: you can look in whatever fucking logs you want it wasn't flaming
[4:43:44 PM] Alex Lorenz: And not to share good music.
[4:43:49 PM] Hyphen: parody =/= flaming
[4:43:51 PM] Alex Lorenz: No matter how much you will claim the later.
[4:44:02 PM] Hyphen: I would compare with the SA forums but you need an account to browse those forums now
[4:44:12 PM] Alex Lorenz: Anyway.
[4:44:15 PM] Hyphen: no
[4:44:18 PM] Alex Lorenz: Yes.
[4:44:21 PM] Hyphen: not anyway
[4:44:25 PM] Alex Lorenz: Yes, anyway.
[4:44:27 PM] Hyphen: you're assuming
[4:44:29 PM] Alex Lorenz: No.
[4:44:31 PM] Alex Lorenz: I just explained.
[4:44:57 PM] Hyphen: I ain't going to argue with you because I'm in enough trouble as it is in real life
[4:44:59 PM] Alex Lorenz: Doesnt matter if it was made as parody.
[4:45:02 PM] Hyphen: but you're wrong and you know it
[4:45:04 PM] Alex Lorenz: You posted it to flame Meta.
[4:45:07 PM] Alex Lorenz: Unprovoked.
[4:45:26 PM] Alex Lorenz: It was literally there to try and piss off meta.
[4:45:28 PM] Hyphen: technically I could say that he provoked me all those times he said he wasn't talking to me
[4:45:30 PM] Hyphen: also
[4:45:31 PM] Hyphen: no
[4:45:35 PM] Alex Lorenz: Yes.
[4:45:38 PM] Alex Lorenz: And you know it.
[4:45:49 PM] Alex Lorenz: Or even if you didnt.
[4:45:59 PM] Alex Lorenz: You should have seen what your actions imply.
[4:46:02 PM] Hyphen: Armored Entity: @Flandre I've heard that song before on a TF2 video
[4:46:05 PM] Hyphen: HE SAW THE THREAD
[4:46:11 PM] Alex Lorenz: AGAIN.
[4:46:18 PM] Alex Lorenz: Does not matter if he didnt get offended.
[4:46:21 PM] Alex Lorenz: That was your intention.
[4:46:24 PM] Hyphen: no it wasn't
[4:46:26 PM] Alex Lorenz: Hence why you posted it.
[4:46:35 PM] Hyphen: also
[4:46:36 PM] Hyphen: !!
[4:46:40 PM] Hyphen: Hyphen: wesley willis is legendary
[4:46:46 PM] Garo: my head hurts
[4:46:50 PM] Hyphen: posted almost DIRECTLY after that video
[4:47:01 PM] Hyphen: clearly showing I posted it for the music and not to flame meta
[4:47:27 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan. Discussion over. I will not justify any right actions against you if all you can do is weakly deny your transgression.
[4:47:45 PM] Hyphen: what proof do you even have it was done in a flaming way?
[4:48:03 PM] Alex Lorenz: Because it was a song "Suck a cheetah's dick", directed at Meta.
[4:48:08 PM] Hyphen: that 1 line is worth so much more against you if you have no solid proof
[4:48:18 PM] Alex Lorenz: Lemme repeat.
[4:48:23 PM] Alex Lorenz: [4:48 PM] Alex Lorenz:

<<< "Suck a cheetah's dick", directed at Meta.
[4:48:34 PM] Alex Lorenz: You did not just post that in sb.
[4:48:40 PM] Alex Lorenz: You created an entire topic for that.
[4:48:48 PM] Alex Lorenz: Which is quite clearly against the rules.
[4:48:55 PM] Hyphen: how so
[4:48:55 PM | Edited 4:49:00 PM] Alex Lorenz: And Dabir WARNED you before.
[4:49:00 PM] Hyphen: he warned me about flaming
[4:49:04 PM] Hyphen: that wasn't flaming
[4:49:07 PM] Alex Lorenz: Yes it was.
[4:49:12 PM] Alex Lorenz: Let me repeat.
[4:49:13 PM] Alex Lorenz: [4:48 PM] Alex Lorenz:

<<< "Suck a cheetah's dick", directed at Meta.
[4:50:00 PM] Hyphen: do you have the exact sentence I wrote?
[4:50:04 PM] Alex Lorenz: You got warned to not insult people.
You went ahead and created an entire topic to insult Meta and you have no clue the backlash in the staff forum about that.
[4:50:06 PM] Garo: May I ask a question, out of curiosity?
[4:50:16 PM] Alex Lorenz: So yes Flan.
[4:50:25 PM] Alex Lorenz: You got banned by Dabir and got a second warning.
[4:50:30 PM] Alex Lorenz: Stop being childish.
[4:50:38 PM] Hyphen: so you're ignoring me
[4:50:40 PM] Hyphen: what's the point
[4:50:43 PM] Alex Lorenz: Im not.
[4:50:46 PM] Hyphen: I doubt you even read what I wrote at all
[4:50:46 PM] Alex Lorenz: Theres nothing to ignore.
[4:50:50 PM] Alex Lorenz: You repeat the same thing over and over.
[4:50:56 PM] Hyphen: No
[4:50:56 PM] Garo: If I post a thread, with the title "You Can't Fxxk me"
And the music title being literally that
would it be considered flaming?
[4:50:58 PM] Hyphen: You do
[4:50:59 PM] Alex Lorenz: Which is conincenedtally saying "NO IM NOT".
[4:51:06 PM] Hyphen: And Garo
[4:51:09 PM] Hyphen: Obviously it would be
[4:51:13 PM] Alex Lorenz: Nope.
[4:51:15 PM] Hyphen: By Alex's rules
[4:51:18 PM] Alex Lorenz: Oh yes Flan.
[4:51:20 PM] Garo: ... re=related" onclick=";return false;
[4:51:23 PM] Alex Lorenz: You totally are the one reasonable here.
[4:51:27 PM] Garo: i mean really there is that
[4:51:29 PM] Alex Lorenz: And not the one throwing assumptions.
[4:51:36 PM] Alex Lorenz: After I spent 10 min explaining the WHY.
[4:51:39 PM] Hyphen: I'm not throwing assumptions
[4:51:41 PM] Alex Lorenz: You are.
[4:51:43 PM] Alex Lorenz: In fact.
[4:51:44 PM] Alex Lorenz: Again.
[4:51:51 PM] Alex Lorenz: [4:51 PM] Hyphen:

<<< Obviously it would be[4:51 PM] Hyphen:

<<< By Alex's rules
[4:51:52 PM] Hyphen: Because I'm telling you why I did what I did and you're saying
[4:51:53 PM] Alex Lorenz: And ohey.
[4:51:54 PM] Hyphen: "lolno flaming"
[4:52:09 PM] Alex Lorenz: [4:51 PM] Hyphen:

<<< I'm not throwing assumptions[4:50 PM] Alex Lorenz:

<<< You repeat the same thing over and over.
[4:52:15 PM] Hyphen: You haven't posted any evidence that I was flaming
[4:52:17 PM] Alex Lorenz: Flan.
[4:52:19 PM] Alex Lorenz: You flamed.
[4:52:20 PM] Hyphen: Oh no wait
[4:52:20 PM] Hyphen: I'm wrong.
[4:52:23 PM] Hyphen: You did.
[4:52:25 PM] Alex Lorenz: Everyone agrees that you flamed.
[4:52:30 PM] Hyphen: But the evidence could support either argument
[4:52:35 PM] Alex Lorenz: No it couldnt.
[4:52:38 PM] Hyphen: Yes it could
[4:52:42 PM] Alex Lorenz: ...
[4:52:46 PM] Hyphen: You're assuming my thread title was flaming meta
[4:52:46 PM] Alex Lorenz: I will not argue with you anymore.
[4:52:53 PM] Hyphen: But it was a /parody/
[4:52:58 PM] Garo: I can't agree if I can't see the thread.
[4:52:59 PM] Alex Lorenz: You're not better than Meta at it.
[4:53:01 PM] Hyphen: also by the way!
[4:53:04 PM] Hyphen: what about Zarro?
[4:53:07 PM] Hyphen: shouldn't he be banned?
[4:53:13 PM] Hyphen: yeah
[4:53:14 PM] Alex Lorenz: See you.
[4:53:17 PM] Hyphen: you can't deny that
[4:53:20 PM] Hyphen: you're going to change the topic
[4:53:24 PM] Hyphen: or change it back to me
[4:53:28 PM] Hyphen: you know Zarro should be banned
[4:53:34 PM] Alex Lorenz: No, I will copypaste the entiriety of it on the forum.
[4:53:38 PM] Alex Lorenz: So people can facepalm.
Now under new management.

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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by White Glint »

AlexMdle wrote:
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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by AlexMdle »

1. Yes it was.

2. I posted it's entiriety right at the moment when I said "Im posting this."
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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by AlexMdle »

Nobody against you posting the rest.
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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by Dabir »


Also how do you pokemon for 28 turns.

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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by Dabir »

Oh, right, I'd have to care about you. Yeah...

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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by PureQuestion »

Dabir wrote:Context.

Also how do you pokemon for 28 turns.
Loooots of stalling.
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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by Dabir »

Armored Entity « Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:31 pm » Assclown!

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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by PureQuestion »

Start of turn 27
Heart of Ice used Blizzard!
The foe's Cresselia lost 14% of its health!
The foe's Cresselia fainted!

Rain continues to fall!
[PPW] Sherked sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Heatran!


Start of turn 28
Heart of Ice used Blizzard!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Heatran lost 24% of its health!

The foe's Heatran used Flamethrower!
Heart of Ice lost 136 HP! (34% of its health)
[PPW] Sherked: GG
The foe's Heatran is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 29
The foe's Heatran used Protect!
The foe's Heatran protected itself!

Heart of Ice used Blizzard!
The foe's Heatran avoided the attack!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 30
Heart of Ice used Blizzard!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Heatran lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Heatran was frozen solid!

The foe's Heatran is frozen solid!

Rain continues to fall!
PurrKestin: oh
[PPW] Sherked: LOL

Start of turn 31
Heart of Ice used Blizzard!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Heatran lost 22% of its health!

The foe's Heatran is frozen solid!

Rain continues to fall!
[PPW] Sherked: was a very very Good Game

Start of turn 32
The foe's Heatran is frozen solid!

Heart of Ice used Blizzard!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Heatran lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Heatran fainted!
Signamente -         - Necros -         - Termos        

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Re: The UFF Omni-Chat Quote Thread

Post by Aquamancia »

[3:19:34 PM] Firefox11: SPEESH MEREEN
[3:19:43 PM] ShadowSpectre: SPAHC MUHREEN
[3:20:15 PM] Aquamancia: SUEPRMOAN
[3:20:25 PM] Hyphen: heehee
[3:20:30 PM] ShadowSpectre: BTAMAB
[3:20:38 PM] Hyphen: NUF
[3:20:39 PM] Hyphen: oh wait
[3:20:42 PM] Hyphen: =)
[3:20:47 PM] Aquamancia: FALHS
[3:20:50 PM] ShadowSpectre: GREEM LATNERN
[3:20:59 PM] Dabir: THE OTAM
[3:21:33 PM] Hyphen: SUCKS ASS
[3:21:36 PM] Hyphen: oh
[3:21:43 PM] Dabir: YES
[3:21:47 PM] Dabir: GREAT SUCKSASS
[3:22:00 PM] ShadowSpectre: DICTORY
[3:22:18 PM] Aquamancia: FATLAITY
[3:22:22 PM] Hyphen: shut up I have to do radon gas stuff and it's boring and ugh
[3:22:29 PM] ShadowSpectre: MARTAL CAMBAT
[3:22:31 PM] Hyphen: it's like 'why'
[3:22:32 PM] Dabir: TOOTH
[3:22:33 PM] Dabir: JUST US
[3:22:34 PM] Hyphen: we dont learn anything
[3:22:39 PM] Dabir: AND THE MERRY KIN WAY
[3:22:47 PM] ShadowSpectre: anyway yeah" onclick=";return false;
[3:22:50 PM] ShadowSpectre: gO
[3:23:12 PM] Rumia: I look away and suddenly an atrocity to the english language appears.
[3:23:30 PM] ShadowSpectre: AMREMICA
[3:23:31 PM] Dabir: you know what you have to do then
[3:23:37 PM] Aquamancia: put it in the quotes thread?
[3:23:47 PM] Rumia: No, I have to kill you all.
[3:23:52 PM] Dabir: OBABO
[3:24:07 PM] ShadowSpectre: FOR GERT JUSTCI
[3:24:33 PM] Rumia: Laughing too hard to kill, you get off lucky today.
[3:24:40 PM] ShadowSpectre: YYA
[3:24:53 PM] ShadowSpectre: SRUVVAL
Fraxy Creations and Mirrors
Creations Thread

Just as Japlanned.

i was such a jerk on here

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