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Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:39 pm
by Kohuded
I can totally be a Magic Archer if there are too many warriors / spellblades

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:32 pm
by MintE

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:55 am
by Ex-Rumia
Updated Character page.

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:23 am
by ZarroTsu
Seeing as nobody's giving much of a crap, I want everyone to write a short description regarding who the fuck their character even IS. (I shouldn't have to ask this, but apparently I do, seeing as hardly anyone thought to do so on their own whim.)

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:40 pm
by MintE
May sound like a stupid question but, in this game we are ourselves put into our UFF personas? If so you want a description of ourselfs, or our characters ingame? I would assume both.

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:48 pm
by ZarroTsu
zarrotsu: i need an idea of who the tits the character is as a means of identifying it, and fleshing part of the world to fit the character

zarrotsu: then i need an idea of how the maker of the character would react to suddenly being in the body

zarrotsu: there's no real take" full control of the situation" here/

purequestion: well

zarrotsu: now, granted, the longer you are in the body, the better you'd be at controling it, and the more like your actual character you might begin to resemble (and the less of your real self)

purequestion: how do you react?

zarrotsu: but you can't get the real self back after too long a while

zarrotsu: me? i'm pretty much the lense character to the whole game :x

zarrotsu: how i would react is the major focal point to the beginning of the game, and then everything else

purequestion: yes, but you're still a character aren't you

purequestion: yeah

purequestion: but i bring you up primarily to use as an example

zarrotsu: honestly zarro is similar enough to me (un/intentionally) to the point where i don't need to react much outside of being offput by monsters and oh-shit-i-can-die-now.

purequestion: i, on the other hand, would suddenly find myself by and large lacking a body

zarrotsu: many people on the forum build up their character as an overzealous godmod superbeing that fears nothing

zarrotsu: but once you inject the real them to that body

zarrotsu: that's when shit gets real

zarrotsu: that's when a story shoots out your fucking ears

purequestion: well, that's precisely the thing

zarrotsu: and it's not like everyone would be scared by it either

zarrotsu: as i said some would welcome it

zarrotsu: but many would only use a cover to buff it out

zarrotsu: some would still be crying in fear on the inside, but refuse to express it

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:41 am
by Ex-Rumia

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:53 pm
by AlexMdle
(Updates skills due to UNLIMITED ENGINE POTENTIAL)


Primary proficiency: Swords

Secondary proficiency: Daggers

Tertiary proficiency: Axes, Guns

Sword skills: Caleb's main source of damaging skills.

1 - Sunder: Targets 1 enemy. Deals average physical damage, reducing a flat amount of enemy armor. Reduction stacks up to 3 times.

2 - Focus: Targets self. Caleb experiences a boost in attack damage and speed, killing an enemy while under influence of this buff increases his critical ratio.

3 - Heats of rage: Targets 1 enemy. Caleb deals average physical damage to the enemy, modified by the % of his missing hp (Up to 199% damage when on 1% hp). If Caleb's hp is under 1/4, he also deals additional fire damage.

4 - Parry Shield. Targets 1 ally. Caleb safeguards one ally, by counter-striking any enemy that attacks them. Buff can only be active on 1 ally at a time. If the target dies from the enemy's attack, the counter-attack is a guaranteed critical.

5 - CARNAGE. Targets all enemies. Physical attack that strikes up to 5 times, random targets. (May strike same target more than once)

6 - Sword of Democles: Targets 1 enemy. Caleb doles out bitter payback. Deals physical damage that increases in power the more damage Caleb has received from the target. (1% hp lost to the enemy increases damage done by 1%, can go over 100% of Caleb is getting revived/killed and caps at ~500%)

7 - Red Eye Black. Targets all enemies. Caleb instills heart-stopping fear of death in all the enemies, either dealing massive dark damage, halving their speed or killing them outright.

8 - GENOCIDE. Targets all enemies. Improved skill 5, deals more damage, strikes more times, leaves Caleb confused after use.

Daggers: Caleb's source of debiliating skills.

1 - Razor Sharps. Target 1 enemy. Minor physical damage, reduces a flat amount of enemy armor. Reduction stacks up to 3 times.

2 - Deep Knives. Target 1 enemy. Minor physical damage. Extra damage to enemies with reduced defense. Enemies with 3 stacks of armor reduction also begin to bleed.

3 - Cutthroat. Target 1 enemy. Adequate physical damage. Target non-boss is silenced for one turn.

4 - Fan of Knives. Target all enemies. Mass minor physical damage. Chance to paralyze each target hit.

5 - MERCY. Target 1 enemy. Backstabs a paralyzed or stunned enemy for instant critical hit with a chance of instant kill.

Axes: Caleb only masters 3 skils with Axes. Used when he needs to be more defensive.

1 - Blunt Shield. Target 1 ally. Creates a shield of X damage around himself or an ally. Counter-strikes an enemy who breaks the shield.

2 - Tides of blood. Target 1 enemy. Powerful physical attack that reduces the amount of healing the afflicted enemy receives by half. Critical hits reduce all healing to 0.

3 - NOSFERATU. Target 1 enemy. Powerful physical attack. Caleb drains 50% of damage dealt as HP and may steal positive buffs placed on the enemy.

Guns: Caleb only masters 3 gun skills. Exploits enemy weaknesses.

1 - Exploit body. Target 1 enemy. Caleb deals physical damage to the target. If the target is weak to an element, the attack takes on that element.

2 - Exploit mind. Target 1 enemy.Caleb deals physical damage to the target. Chance to apply every negative buff the enemy is weak to.

3 - Exploit spirit. Target all enemies. Caleb deals physical damage to all enemies, possibly reducing up to 2 positive buffs from each of them.

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:30 am
by PureQuestion ... 021#p31021" onclick=";return false; AND UPDATED.

Will do character stuff tomorrow.

Re: ALTERED REALITY - Character Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:57 am
by Ex-Rumia ... 388#p31388" onclick=";return false;

Is that better?