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Re: Howdy

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:42 pm
by AlexMdle
I think I have observed enough.

Welcome to UFF, man. This is the place where people do the fraxy magicz, or relax from doing too much fraxy magicz. Please do stick around and participate in either, we always welcome new members as they represent potential for new, exciting things.

As for your concern, do not fret. Many people here have extensive knowledge about TRY files and will happily oblige to part with their information if just asked. In particular, I'd suggest talking to Zaximilian, Zarro (If you manage to catch him), Rumia or myself.

Dont be worried about the quality of your bosses. You will naturally get better as long as you're willing to experiment and try out new things in the editor. Half the magic lies within the discovery of all it has to offer.

Anyway, have fun and see you around.

Re: Howdy

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:08 pm
by Ex-Rumia
Nnn... Someone mentio- Oh hey there, welcome to the forum, do lots of stuff with fraxy and have fun. Did I mention having fun?