Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

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Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by PureQuestion »

PureQuestion wrote:Name: Moltoven Eurynome
Race: Human
Appearance: An average human, standing 5 foot 10, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Wears red clothes. Makes the blood less noticeable. Often wears a black cloak while traveling. A darge dagger with blood red runes adorning the blade hangs from his right hip, and a necklace with two small bones attached rests around his neck.

Backstory: Moltoven had a fair childhood. He lived in a small village in Foroland. He lived alone with his two parents in a small hut on the western edge of town, on a hill overlooking Alnkek. Legends and rumours were common of great shadows moving through the mountains, but nothing ever came of it. At least, not for many years.

On one evening, however, the claims surfaced again. A great black shadow was spotted on a cliff-side overlooking the town. Few thought much of it, just another trick of the light or delusion of the fearful. But people took notice when the shadow began moving closer, a dread silhouette. The strongest men took up arms, standing sentinel at the edge of town. Moltoven and his Mother hid in their home. His father was with the other men. Son and Mother laid in waiting, screams echoing through the village. The men were no match for the beast that had descended upon them. Men were swept off their feet, eviscerated, and crushed. But Moltoven's father managed to escape, running home to try to flee the town with his family. Moltoven grabbed one of his father's daggers on the way out, hiding it in his clothing.

They nearly made it. Nearly. Moltoven's mother fell first, struck from behind by the leaping beast. Moltoven's father fought in vain against the demon while Moltoven ran, hiding in a nearby home. The shade grabbed the protective father's sword, running it through him and leaving him to die before heading for the last human in town.

From his hiding place, Moltoven watched the Demon enter, searching for its prey. Drawing his father's dagger, he waited for a chance. It came, with the demon facing away from him. In desperation, Moltoven struck the demon with the dagger, putting all his strength into the movement. Whether by luck, magic, or miracle, the dagger impaled the shadow's heart, killing that which had slain an entire town effortlessly.

Surrounded by the corpses of his friends and family, Moltoven realized, with dread, that he was completely alone. Though he knew little of magic, he was desperate. He had heard of many rituals undergone by wizards in other regions, and he had a very powerful focus before him: the body of a demon. Hewing the beast's heart from its flesh and dragging his parents to the centre of town, he placed the three on the stone in the town square. He drew great circles in the ground using the demon's blood, with the heart at the centre, and his parents on either side. Impaling the heart with the dagger, he hoped - wished - willed - with all his mind, that the ritual would succeed. It did, but of course, necromancy is an incomplete art. The dead can be animated, they can not be unkilled. His parents were mindless husks. An anger overtook him. Repeating the ritual with as many bodies as he could before he was completely drained, he built a small legion of undead. Vowing to wipe out the entirety of the demons like the one that had ended his village, he marched towards Alnkek.

Finding the fortress empty, he decided to adopt it as his new home. It would be here that he would spend two decades perfecting his art. He created many ritualistic artifacts. Blood from the demon is stained in his father's dagger, forming bloody runes. When his parents rotted away, he took a bone from each, stringing them onto a necklace. A great stone slab in the fortress is carved with circles like that original one, an icon of the demon's heart engraved in the center. From time to time one of the beasts would appear, and the heart was always collected in an attempt to enhance the enchantments built up on the dagger over many years.

But Moltoven grew tired of years of hiding, waiting in the shunned palace, scrounging the bodies of nearby villages. He began to make plans to set out. To begin a crusade against the beasts and demons who destroy towns like his own. From the centre of the world, all is available.


Hope this is fine 8V!
Abilities wrote:Over many years, Moltoven has devised countless rituals for the raising of undead. His practices involve heavy use of magic circles and icons, both physical and representative. Having worked mostly off scraps, as it were, his rituals have been designed to allow for whatever happens to be available, often substituting symbols for the real desired ingredient. Body parts are often placed in the center of the circle, with the body (or bodies) to be performed upon placed adjacent. Symbols being used reduces the strength of any ritual, resulting in a weakened undead. The state of the organ (and the source) or quality of symbol, and number of bodies raised both impact the potency of the spell.

Basic Raising

Name: Raise Dead
Ritual: Medium detail required in circle, utilizes heart as organ. Requires a body, naturally.
Effect: Raises the body of a dead human, either the bones as a skeleton or the entirety as a zombie. Animating skeletons is easier, though if the flesh is left intact they will be quite slow. Individual body parts can be raised with much lower difficulty, though they are considerably less threatening in general.

Name: Instant Raise
Ritual: Utilizes a living target, often away from the necromancer's main ritual location. Utilizes the victim's chest as the location for the magic circle, carved with a ritual dagger, and uses their own heart to complete the spell.
Effect: Raises the target as an undead, naturally. This spell is rushed and often limited, but can quickly be used in battle to create allies, albeit weak ones.

Name: Preserve Flesh
Ritual: Little detail required in circle, utilizes stomach as organ. Requires undead, corpse, even just a pile of flesh.
Effect: Once the dead are raised, a second ritual is required to preserve them. With the symbol, their lifetime can be extended from a few days up to a month.

Name: Revitalize Mind
Ritual: Medium to Heavy detail required. Uses brain as organ.
Effect: The basic undead is a decent servant, but an inadequate soldier. The use of an additional ritual to bestow additional intelligence upon them will create a more autonomous undead.

Name: Soul Binding
Ritual: Heavily detailed circle, lungs required as organ. Requires living human, who is sacrificed to complete the spell.
Effect: Though less heavily utilized, due to the lack of desire to directly kill humans, the creation of ghosts is of high utility. Being unbound by physical constraints, they make highly effective spies. The nature of souls mandates that the victim be alive until immediately before the procedure.

Undead Masters

Name: Heavy Sentinel
Ritual: Intricate Detail required, utilizes skull, heart, and a source of fire. Requires vast quantities of bone.
Effect: Forms a massive beast of shifting bone. Form is variable, subject to the will of the caster. Exact traits vary by form and size, but the large mass of bone results in a very durable being. They are slow, but can move in quick bursts if need be. They hit hard, and their body is formed almost entirely of cutting edges. The fire included in the ritual burns in the core, bone melting and reforming as the mass shifts and churns. This heat can be utilized offensively, or to reshape bone and metal.

Name: Glacial Legion
Ritual: Intricate Detail, utilizes blood, and requires anywhere from 5 to 10 ghosts.
Effect: The souls of late humans are known for their chilling presence. This ritual combines many ghosts into a powerful spirit, a Glacial Legion. The blood used in the ritual crystallizes, forming a heart that binds the spirits together. Though it acts as a weak point, allowing it to be technically far easier to destroy than a normal ghost, it does interfere with the ghost's ethereal form; it remains capable of passing through walls and terrain. The chilling aura of the Legion is capable of freezing the approaching in their tracks.

Name: Rotting Titan
Ritual: Intricate Design required. Uses Spleen as organ. Requires a zombie, 150-250 kilograms of stone, and anywhere from 100-200 kilograms of flesh.
Effect: Creates a gigantic, lumbering humanoid, composed of solid rock and rotting flesh. regenerates very quickly from damage to the flesh. Moves incredibly slowly, but hits with all the force one would expect of a half ton, 3 metre tall humanoid with limbs of stone.


Name: Deathly Communion
Ritual: Little Detail required in circle, tongue used as organ. Uses body or undead.
Effect: Allows direct gathering of information from the deceased. Some undead may be capable of speech, depending on degeneration and intelligence, but this spell can draw directly from memories of life, bypassing any vocal limitations or current intelligence.

Name: Distant Visions
Ritual: Medium detail required in circle, utilized eye as organ. Requires either a map or an undead.
Effect: Moltoven was forced to come up with many ways to hunt for his targets. This spell is in fact two distinct but related spells. In the case of an undead, grants sight through the undead's own vision, allowing them to function as a very direct spy, with no need to return. In the case of a map, grants remote vision of an area indicated via ritual dagger.

Name: Cure Disease
Ritual: Little Detail required, Utilizes Liver as organ. Target is a living human, caster or other.
Effect: Spending two decades around rotting corpses, animated or not, is a lifestyle that easily turns deadly. Moltoven quickly discovered it necessary to be able to cure anything arising from the presence of his minions.

Name: Command
Ritual: Medium Detail required, utilizes hand (or front claw/paw) as organ.
Effect: While undead are perfectly capable of acting following orders and acting autonomously, direct control allows the necromancer to combine the safety of acting far away from battle with the utility of being able to act directly. The multitasking required is usually quite draining, often requiring the period of time to be very short or spent with the necromancer in something approaching meditation. The undead maintains whatever control the necromancer allows them, granting the additional possible solution of simply ordering them around remotely.

Name: Destroy Flesh
Ritual: Heavy Detail required, uses rib as organ. Runes are to be carved into the bone itself.
Effect: The ability to undo death can just as easily be harnessed to destroy the living. This spell is unique in that it functions as a delayed effect. The rib bone, after the ritual is completed, is imbued with a limited amount of power, capable of being released until the energy is fully drained. When released, the energy forms a beam, inflicting heavy damage to the flesh of whoever it strikes. Energy is released far more quickly if the bone suffers a heavy impact. Magical creates and strong willed humans - regardless of actual magical talent - are resistant to this energy, as is anything that lacks flesh to rot. Fleshy undead (ie. Zombies) are high susceptible. Skeletons and Ghosts, naturally, are immune.
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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by AlexMdle »

Ok, here comes my character. Note that due to the lore being in the work, it may be subject to change.

Name: Chebraghol
Race: Demon
Age: Around 178 (37 by human standards).

Appearance: Chebraghol is a best described as a red-skinned beast, high and mighty, towering and with grim features.
It's head is large and mishappen, at least from perspective of humans, the lower jaw is large and protrudes forward in a lizardlike manner, culminating in a truly massive chin, as if chiseled from a single block of brimstone, with a small pair of horn protrusions burrowing their way out on either side. The large lips fail to hide rows of jagged teeth that have grown too large to be contained within the mouth.

Climbing higher, the nose of the creature seems to be the most human-like feature on this face, it is tall, but narrow, stretches forward and possesses only the bare minimum of nostrils. Around the nose, the cheekbones are sharp and large, standing in stark contrast the the two large caves above them - sunken, distant, glistening black eyes.

Two large, curved horns protrude from the leathery, completelly hairless forehead, followed by two more, smaller, straighter horns.

The head sits atop a massive, veiny neck, which in turns rests atop a highly muscular body that seems to be aglow with vim and raw physical power. The torso is barely more than a giant lump of well-formed muscle behind ornate, yet primitive armor fashioned from leather and bone.

The large, large arms are also very well trained and extremely long, acting as secondary support and a means of quadrupedal movement. The hands end in very long, thick fingers. They possess no talons, or nails of any sort, but the bone composition already makes them very pointy and sharp enough to rend sweet flesh with.

The legs, while muscular show the thinnest hide on Chebraghol's body, the texture of sinew is almost visible through the hide. This is one of the reasons why the thighs and ankles are covered by greaves, in style with the armor.

The ...feet are bare and are more a twisted combination of claws and hooves, segmented in 4 parts (3 frontal, 1 rear).

The last and very noticeable feature of his body are the protrusions along his spine. The structure of the massive skeletal construct following along his back stretches his skin and makes him appear and more bulky and massive than he already is.

Of further note is the sulphorous smell that follows Cherbraghol around, a result of his natural, fiery breath.

Equipment: Cherbraghol carries little on himself, but has stashes hidden around. Those include spoils, raw materials and of course food.
Only few things does he carry with him at all times: His massive, iron double-axe, a fitting weapon for his strength and his smithing hammer, usually strapped to his back. A small copper knife is another small tool affixed along his thigh, a multi-purpose tool, usually reserved for harvesting and carving bone.

Skills and Abilities: Unlike many of his bretheren, Chebraghol does not possess wings and cannot fly. Leaping is about the best he can do (and he can do it quite well). His massive strength does not seem to limit his agility, which is equally impressive for a creature of such size. He wields his double-axe masterfully and shows alot of combat skill as well as knowledge of basic tactics.

The fires of underworld have hardened his hide, allowing it to absorb alot of punishment and instilling him with an innate resistance to pain and especially, fire. In fact, his connection to the fiery is strong enough to allow him to breathe searing hellfires, an act that exhausts him greatly and is prone to misfire, producing only thick carpets of black smoke.

Along his more practical skills is the macabre art of bone crafts and less macabre arts of smithing and tailoring. He usually combines the three facets to create armor and devices of leather, bone and metal.

Personality: Chebraghol is not a smooth talker per-se, but manages to hold himself with an air of violent eloquency, willing to show patience and cunning when those are demanded. For the most part however, the instincts of his kind drive him. His hot blood demands the heat of battle, pleasure of warm flesh, pain and feast. He shows little mercy to his enemies and none to his prey.

While willing to cooperate with others, Chebraghol almost never shows due respect unless authority is involved. One who wishes to earn a begrudging aknowledgement from him, must first best him in battle. Friendship is not a virtue most demons are known for.

Backstory: Chebraghol has seen his share of life in the underworld. Constant battles for dominance among lesser nobility demanded that almost every demon was enlisted in one army or another, to have sworn their allegiance, or die a traitorous wretch. How ironic, with the long history of backstabbing, cowardly tactics used by every single side, it's the common grunt who is not allowed to be opportunistic.

Chebraghol was enlisted at a fairly young age of 32 and has quickly proven his worth in the service of one of Archduke Slaaven's lesser warlords. The years spent in the military have taught him the skills of warfare and survivalism and as a grim token, he has begun to chop up the bodies of his enemies, consume their flesh and fashion their bones into decorations.
This tradition has earned him the dubious fame as "Chebraghol, the Boneflayer" and as such, attention of his warlord who offered him a position of second commander, one his direct subordinates and leader of a rather large unit of demons.

Chebraghol could not refuse and carried out his new duty for over a century. Of course, one cannot win every battle and so one day, even Chebraghol found himself and his unit surrounded, surprised by legions of foes. He had one of two choices, betray his masters and swear allegiance to the victor, or face death. Needless to say, he chose the first option, but as it turned out, it only delayed his undoing.
The Archduke was furious, the aforementioned lesser warlord even more so. When Chebraghol's new masters fell to the Archduke's forces, a large bounty was placed on his head, any demon to slay him would take his place in the hierarchy.

With no other choice left and nowehere left to hide in the underworld, Cherbraghol decided a last desperate attempt: Escape to the surface.
Through tenuous connections and sheer patience, he managed to aquire the interest of a young demonologist. A contract was struck: He would sell his service to the young warlock, in return for freedom to roam the world. The demonologist was highly pleased, this was a very generous cost, compared to what most demons usually demand in return.
Regardless, the plan went without a hitch. The demonologist summoned Cherbaghol and used him as a tool to dispose of fools, gain status and dabble with even more dangerous things. In the end it did not matter. Once the ten years of service were over, Chebraghol was free and now far away from his enemies, able to carve out a living for himself in the rather unwelcoming new lands.
Now under new management.

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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by Spriterkid »

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Name: Ophelia Nanos
Species: Human
Appearance: Looks 10 years old (But is actually 50, explained in backstory). Stands 1 meter and 40 centimeters (4 feet and 7⅛ inches) tall. Caucasian White Female (THAT'S RIGHT, FEMALE) blonde. Her cuteness level is high while her (apparent) inocence is so high she doesn't even know that she's casting spells that would make even the eldest of mages wow (apparently). Wears a white robe. (Seen)
Abilities: Mastered Fire Magic and has basic knowledge on Wind Magic.
Last edited by Spriterkid on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by PureQuestion »

Spells pretty much done.
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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by ShadowSpectre »

Name: Frigus

Species: Elemental

Appearance: Varied. Generally humanoid.

Backstory: Since the rise of sentience, the chill of fear, both innate and personal, has existed. Thus, Frigus has been, merely as the summation of countless minds and thoughts and reactions from all corners of life itself. As long as there are magnitudes of difference in the qualities confidence or courage, or doubts, or plain old fears, Frigus will continue to exist. With no specific agenda, Frigus has spent millennia roaming the world, watching the real and occasionally meddling, sometimes for more terror, sometimes, strangely, for courage. The sliding scale of fear has allowed for a plethora of reactions from those that may experience the emotion; Frigus does not necessarily want any single result. Its attitude is a mostly passive one, though when it chooses to appear to the mortal, or even to the immortal, it is very aggressive indeed.

Abilities: All abilities are activated upon OOC declaration and must be repeatedly mentioned OOC per post in which they are used for the effect to continue. If an ability X is used, it must be "used" in every single post until it is no longer required or desired.

Strike A Pose: Frigus' form is one that isn't quite definite, but strikes fear into all those who set eyes (or equivalent) upon it. Even other elementals are wary of Frigus' appearance. If something has a fear that may be represented by a figure, then Frigus will take that form. However, this is only to that one observer; several different individuals observing Frigus simultaneously will never see the same form. Frigus may choose to take a form that all individuals observe; rarely are these forms repeated. Since the dawn of sentience, Frigus has never used a single chosen guise more than once.

The Hearts And Minds: Frigus may peer into the deepest recesses of an individual's soul and mind to retrieve knowledge of their fears. From superficial flinching and the natural instinct to survive, to the darkest terrors residing in the back of the psyche, Frigus will know. This is used in combination with other abilities to cause a player character to spend a portion of their next post describing their fear and their character's reaction to Frigus taking a representative form of this fear, since Frigus appears immediately.

The Fear Is Real: Frigus may cause an individual or a group of individuals to mentally experience an event or an occurrence whose perceived corporeal nature increases over time; the longer an individual is affected by this ability, the more potent the effect becomes, until eventually, the individual can no longer function unless Frigus releases its grasp. Comparable to a hallucination, the levels to which the immersion extend cause all thinking, feeling beings to be affected by this power. However, the stronger-willed an individual is, the longer it takes for the fear to reach debilitating levels. The reactions here are not controlled; each individual will react differently. Player characters must describe reactions to a scenario organised by Frigus as if it was the game master.

Stage Fright: Frigus may induce a paralytic fear that prevents an individual from making an action. This prevents any spells being cast or actions being made for the next one post from the affected player character. This may be temporary or permanent, depending on Frigus' temperament and its mostly random agenda. This is effective from the next post of the target as the effect is immediate IRP.

The Monster Under The Bed: Frigus may induce an all-consuming paranoia that prevents an individual from making a desired action, instead causing them to think that some creature or object or person is nearby. This prevents any spells being cast or actions being made for the next one post from the affected player character. All their efforts are turned to dealing with this new threat, be that searching for it or shying away from it. This may be temporary or permanent, depending on Frigus' temperament and its mostly random agenda. This is effective from the next post of the target as the effect is immediate IRP.

The Frightened Child: Frigus may cause an individual to forget all their "adult" skills and revert their mind and mannerisms to that of their eight year old selves (or a state where their mentality was that of an eight year old). This is effective from the next post of the target as the effect is immediate IRP.

The Worst That Could Happen: Frigus may dramatically increase an individual's already present fear to paralytic levels. The stronger-willed an individual is, the longer it takes for the fear to become impossibly intense. Over time, given enough of it, any given afflicted character is always paralysed with fear, regardless of whom it is.

Nothing To Be Scared Of: Frigus may dramatically reduce an individual's already present fear until the fear is gone entirely. Ironically, the stronger-willed an individual is, the longer it takes for the fear to become laughable. Over time, given enough of it, any given afflicted character is always free from fear, regardless of whom it is.

Besides You In Time: Frigus may appear in the vicinity of any individual experiencing fear or doubt of any form. The stronger the fear or doubt, the more precise the destination. Frigus may not use this ability to appear during observation of the destination; it may only disappear from its current location and appear in the new location if both are unobserved. Magical observation and memory will be altered should Frigus opt to appear during said magical observation or recalled observation to "show" that Frigus had always been there. This will be apparent from interpretations by sentient beings, but will not be wholly convincing; the observer will be aware that they did not recall seeing Frigus there first, but by going over previous observations, they will find that Frigus appeared to have been present throughout.
Last edited by ShadowSpectre on Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by Ex-Rumia »

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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by PureQuestion »

More spells! Also, categorized
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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by Ex-Rumia »

Updated with basic wards/ward description.
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Re: Zemelian Odyssey - Who Are You (Characters)

Post by encore »

Name: Lumin Blanc

Species: Human

Appearance: Lumin is a very pale, tired looking individual. He is slightly shorter then most, and his build is light. Most people on first sight would call him weak. Most people are wrong. He wears a black hooded cloak and clothing. His hair is a dark brown, but is not shown often, as it is covered by his hood. He uses a foil for close range combat, but has no visible place to store the sword, instead preferring to hide the weapon in a small pocket of the universe, hidden away by magic.

Backstory: Born into a magician's family in the Wynne peninsula Lumin has always had a knack for magic. Many people, even the older wizards had always complimented Lumin on his skill, which was often compared to the skill of older wizards. As Lumin grew older he began to let the constant praise go to his head and affect his ego. He became obsessed with the idea that he was the best wizard in all of Zemelia, even though he had never left the Wynne peninsula. The elder wizards, fearing Lumin was dangerous, performed a spell with Lumin's willing help, with the intention of summoning an elemental within Lumin's body. Little did Lumin know that the wizards were purposefully failing to do the spell properly. The result of this failure was a large explosion with Lumin at the center, destroying most of the wizards and wounding the rest, however, this was not the only side effect of the spell's failure. Lumin's mind was left a hollow fraction of what it once was, and his body became weak. Realizing that he had been tricked, Lumin left the academy where he had learned, and set his sights towards regaining his magical prowess and destroying all other magical humans, so that he will become the most powerful wizard, or Mage as he began to call himself. Although Lumin is weak now, who knows what he may be capable of in the future, even with just portions of an elemental's power.


Name: Summon Weapon
Ritual: Lumin snaps his fingers, then makes a horizontal motion, fully extending his arm.
Effect: More of a convenience then an actual magical effect, this does as expected and summons Lumin's foil for close range combat.

More spells, coming soon!

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