The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

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Elite Fraxian
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The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by dracmeister »

Okay... I've heard about this coming by so I'll do this to save the trouble of entering Weapons Stats.

You can only equip one weapon of each type.
You can only change equipment before battles or when you start your first turn on the battle.
You can replace your weapons when they're broken for the battle.

I will update this every generation.

As the first Generation Ends. The Emissaries of Knowledge has provided Further Information.

Weapon Descriptions will change over time. :catface:

Code: Select all

|     WEAPON NAME      | At | Df |Mis|Blk|Brk|    OTHER  ATTRIBUTES    | Am |
|[Melee]               |    |    |   |   |   |                         |    |
|Knife                 |   5|   0|  0|  0|  0|                         |    |
|Katana                |  15|   0|  0| 50|  0|                         |    |
|Broadsword            |  30|   0|  0| 50| 33|Max Attack Cooldown: 2   |    |
|Dagger                |  10|   0|  0|  0|  0|Throwable Weapon         |    |
|                      |  20|   0|  0| 50|  0|Cannot use for 1 turn    |    |
|Twinblade             |  40|   0|  0| 50| 33|Rage adds to attack      |    |
|Lightning Sword       |  50|   0|  0| 50| 50|Paralyze                 |    |
|Jyormhel              |  60|   0|  0| 33|  0|Has Ancient Power        |    |
|*Basic Blade          |  15|   0|  0| 15|  0|Can do Critical Hits     |    |
|*Heavy Blade Shard    |  50|   0|  0| 15| 15|Max Attack Cooldown: 2   |    |
|*Twinblade Shard      |  20|   0|  0| 15| 15|Max Attack on Turn: 4    |    |
|Firebrand             |  50|   0|  0| 50| 50|Burn                     |    |
|Icebrand              |  50|   0|  0| 50| 50|Freeze                   |    |
|Talon Saber           |  70|   0|  0| 30| 30|Creates Sword Beams      |    |
|[LightWeapon]         |    |    |   |   |   |                         |    |
|Pistol                |  15|   0|  0| 15|  0|                         |   1|
|Silver Gun            |  25|   0|  0|  0| 15|Has Ancient Power        |   6|
|Revolver              |  20|   0|  0| 30| 30|                         |   3|
|Colt .45              |  45|   0|  0|  0|  0|                         |   9|
|Luger                 |  15|   0|  0| 15| 50|Can do Critical Hits     |   3|
|BW Gun                |  60|   0|  0| 50| 50|Has Ancient Power        |   8|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Max Attack on Turn: 3    |    |
|[MediumWeapon]        |    |    |   |   |   |                         |    |
|Machine Pistol 1      |  10|   0| 33| 30|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 12   |   1|
|Shotgun               |  30|   0|  0| 15| 50|                         |   8|
|Crossbow              |  15|   0|  0| 50|  0|Can do Critical Hits     |   5|
|Mauser Rifle          |  10|   0|  0|  0| 30|                         |   3|
|STG44                 |  25|   0|  0|  0| 33|Max Attack on Turn: 5    |   2|
|B. A. R.              |  15|   0|  0|  0|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 5    |   2|
|Thompson              |  10|   0| 50|  0|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 12   |   1|
|Bolt Crossbow         |  20|   0|  0| 50|  0|Area of Effect Weapon    |   8|
|Springfield Rifle     |  25|   0|  0|  0| 50|Can do Critical Hits     |   5|
|M60                   |  25|   0| 50|  0|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 18   |   2|
|M249                  |  20|   0| 50|  0|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 18   |   1|
|Raffica               |  15|   0| 33| 33|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 12   |   1|
|*Intensity Rifle      |  30|   0|  0| 50|  0|Burn                     |  15|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Can Penetrate Targets    |    |
|FG42 Paratroop Rifle  |  50|   0|  0| 15|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 12   |   5|
|Grandscooper Rifle    | 100|   0|  0|  0|  0|Can do Critical Hits     |  40|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Can detect Hidden Targets|    |
|!Tracer Rifle         |  50|   0| 50|  0|  0|Burn                     |  15|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |+3 turns of Burn effect  |    |
|M4a1                  |  20|   0| 50| 50|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 20   |   2|
|Minigun               |  15|   0| 15|  0|  0|Max Attack on Turn: 50   |   1|
|Dragonov              |  45|   0| 33|  0|  0|Can do Critical Hits     |  10|
|[HeavyWeapon]         |    |    |   |   |   |                         |    |
|Panzerfaust           |  60|   0| 30|  0| 50|Area of Effect Weapon    |  20|
|Beam Gun Mk1          | 120|   0|  0|  0| 50|                         | 100|
|Mortar                |  80|   0| 50|  0| 50|Area of Effect Weapon    |  30|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Burn                     |    |
|P-AT Gun              |  80|   0| 50|  0| 50|Artillery Barrage        |  20|
|                      |  90|    |   |   |   |Max Attack on Turn: 24   |    |
|Magnum Launcher       |  80|   0| 33|  0|  0|Poison                   |  30|
|*Panzer               |  60|   0|  0|  0| 30|Area of Effect Weapon    |  30|
|!M202 Flash           |  80|   0| 50|  0|  0|Burn                     |  30|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Max Attack on Turn: 4    |    |
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Area of Effect Weapon    |    |
|RPG7                  |  50|   0|  0|  0|  0|Area of Effect Weapon    |  30|
|Tau Cannon            |  30|   0| 15|  0| 44|Charged for more damage  |  15|
|                      |  10|    |   |   |   |Overcharge damages self  |  10|
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |Max Charge: 7 turns      |    |
|[Auxiliary]           |    |    |   |   |   |                         |    |
|Mk2 Grenade           |  50|   0| 50|  0|  0|Area of Effect Weapon    |  10|
|Frag Grenade          |  40|   0| 50|  0|  0|                         |   5|
|Satchel Chrage        |  60|   0|  0|  0|  0|Remote Detonation        |  15|
|Dynamite              |  40|   0|  0|  0|  0|Pack into 2 to 7 sticks  |  10|
|Steilhandgrenade      |  70|   0|  0|  0|  0|Area of Effect Weapon    |  10|
|EMP Grenade           |  30|   0|  0|  0|  0|Electronics Disabling    |  30|
|Nail Grenade          |  50|   0| 50|  0|  0|Bleed                    |    |
|[Armor]               |    |    |   |   |   |                         |    |
|Block Armor           |   0|  70|  0|  0|  0|can block 50% better     |    |
|Lightning Plate       |   0|  20|  0|  0|  0|Immune to Paralysis      |    |
|Reflect Armor         |   0|  20|  0|  0|  0|Immune to Blind          |    |
|                      |    |    |   |   |   |counter enemy melee      |    |
|Red Armor             |   0|  45|  0|  0|  0|10% overall resistance   |    |
|Green Armor           |   0|  50|  0|  0|  0|30% overall resistance   |    |
|Blue Armor            |   0|  55|  0|  0|  0|50% overall resistance   |    |
|Sparkling Gold Armor  |   0| 200|  0|  0|  0|                         |    |
|Strike Armor          |  10|  30|  0|  0|  0|                         |    |
|Ancient Armor         |   0|  50|  0|  0|  0|Has Ancient Power        |    |
|Hide Armor            |   0| -30|  0|  0|  0|40% less getting hit     |    |
|Seetherlow Plate      |  20|  88|  0|  0|  0|-25% conductibility      |    |
Stop Watch
<Make enemies not attack in a turn randomly.>
Dark Silence
<May insta-kill anyone with Light or Medium Weapon.>
Hollow Circle
<Improves Damage on Light or Medium Weapon.>
Devastation Charm
<Gives any weapon AoE effect.>
Dark Consumption
<Heals any damage dealt by the user for 4 turns(including turn casting).>
Ring of Rage

<Maybe worth something to some people.>
<Train service is good...>
Metallic Cylinders
<Seems like something for vehicles.>
<Mmm... Foreign hotdogs...>
<A tool used for turning bolts.>
Glass Shards
<Shards of elegant glass.>
<Mysterious glass-like material.>

Elegant Painting
<Nice painting of a lady. Must be really expensive.>

Medical Pack
<Heals 100 HP>
Ammo Box
<Re-arms 100 Am>
Derclad Plating
<+30 Df>
Medical Box
<Heals 200 HP>
Invoke Formula
<can revive a downed ally>
Medical Crate
<Heals 400 HP>
Heat Case
<A case with a Heating Element>
Freeze Case
<A case with a Freezing Element>
Buster Case
<Can be used to bust a hole somewhere but its risky due to the shrapnel it can produce>
Pressure Case
<Can be used to push certain objects>
Electricity Case
<A case with Conductible Element>
Radiation Case
<A case with Radioactive Material, don't drop it!>
Blinding Case
<A mysterious element that no one can bare even with protective goggles>
Unstable Case
<A case filled with mysterious unstable materials>
Cursed Case
<From an Unknown source sent in by a Classified Agent containing unknown materials>
Ammo Crate
<Re-arms 300 Am>
Energy Box
<Re-arms 400 Am>
Last edited by dracmeister on Fri May 17, 2013 3:36 pm, edited 23 times in total.

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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Weapon Sheet]

Post by Halico »

This should be item sheet instead.

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Elite Fraxian
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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by dracmeister »

Dualer wrote:This should be item sheet instead.

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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by [][][][] »

Update with M249 stats, please.
There was once something here,
but it's now gone.

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Elite Fraxian
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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by dracmeister »

[][][][] wrote:Update with M249 stats, please.

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[Bosses to remember:]
Team HouHouJigoku! mostly discontinued
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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by [][][][] »

Update with Lightning Plate and Lightning Sword, please.

[this should be automatic, right?]
There was once something here,
but it's now gone.

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Elite Fraxian
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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by dracmeister »

The Current Item Listing.

This color is for unused items
This color is for equipped items
This color is for 'to be used'(the turn is not finished) items.

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[Bosses to remember:]
Team HouHouJigoku! mostly discontinued
'Gusty Storm' Armored Train
'Twin Sisters' Railgun Core
Archie and Tommy - Lightseeker Duo

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Fraxy God
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Re: The Untouchable 5 [Item Sheet]

Post by Halico »


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