Unnamed Teamwork Platformer: Co-project, I guess.

Show us graphics, music and writing that you've done, whether you're putting it in Fraxy or not.
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Elite Fraxian
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Unnamed Teamwork Platformer: Co-project, I guess.

Post by Spriterkid »

I've changed comps and Flan's been unbanned, so I might just show something I've been working on.
A teamwork game, made by me and Flandre Scarlet (A.K.A. Hyphen, whose symbol name I'll use), and i've started on the main characters, 4 kids who are friends since ever and gain powers. (The plot is undecided at the time, we will decide it in time)

The game will take on a SMB3 style map system, putting worlds seperated from each other.
I will continue to put updates as I make them.
In the OP, I will post the decided worlds, characters, minibosses, and bosses. [strike]and even what color of underwear i use on each time i work on the game[/strike]
RIP Ed Balls

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