Looking to join in(sorta)

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Looking to join in(sorta)

Post by supernewtonbros »

I've been really interested in Fraxy for a while but never had the courage to post until now. I know the forums are definitely dead(given all the spam and madness), but I'm mainly interested in joining the Discord mostly to play older bosses that are seemingly lost(due to most of the downloads here having gone kaput.)

If this post is found, it would be much appreciated!

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Re: Looking to join in(sorta)

Post by Dabir »

Hi there! Sorry about the mess, I do my best to check in every so often and see what's up. The Discord link should be visible to you on the forums front page now. This is the first I'm hearing about the downloads being gone, rest assured we do still have them all, I just need to figure out why they aren't visible.

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